I wrote to a friend at 63 Moo 1, Takhli, Takhli district, Nakhon Sawan
December 30, 2550 frog love
.This new year is thought to have come across the frog at home. I have not written before. But on to the house and then realized that the frog. Frogs have activities to do in Bangkok We took the opportunity to write a letter to the New Year with
.We received a letter out of frustration than yesterday. Colors that recalled his essay on "father" I won that one, we could not think of a frog. Wally Wood frog because losing my essay for me.Now I wish that we had a truck farm running all day and night. Quite a lot of dust. But it is necessary that we have to endure for a long time. Monkey Dust is not faced with our new home. But the frog once described as Bangkok.But there is something that is more scary than the smoke from my exhaust. I tried to console myself that we are but dust is dust that is less dangerous
.We have nothing to tell of it. This book was prepared for the exam. It will be available in the next few days between me. We hope that the frogs would've been preparing hard. Frogs never told us that. Frogs need to learn.Finally, we get the power to the Sri gems. Please urge the frog happy about it and I was not sure it was just me
Real love and miss the glory hit Voravith
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